Friday, June 10, 2011

We Have Internet

I'm sorry for the delay.  We got internet this afternoon.   This was not the smoothest move ever and that doesn't even include all the work that we had to do.  It is kind of nice to have an actual house instead of an apartment.  There is more room and a lot more privacy.  We really haven't been very sexy lately--lots of paint splatter and lots of t-shirts and jeans or t-shirts and shorts.  We had some flooding this week after a freakish downpour, but we've been assured that was just a fluke and that it won't happen during normal rain.  We're still not completely ready, but there will be a housewarming party tomorrow.  Things are gradually returning to normal or at least our version of normal.  Thanks for the patience.


  1. So Katie,

    what do you think of Dacqueries now that the girls probably urge you more to drink those rather than beer? I am sure the girls are putting you through your steps tonight, but it looks like that month off might have given you a little fat flab in those arms, unless the pictures usually get a touch up, dresses are definitely better for your figure.By the way it must be interesting taking those into to the dry cleaners especially the first couple of times, ;-) I bet we haven't heard much about that, besides I am sure what we get is only the tip of the ice berg especially with media.

    I would suggest asking Heather to help you work out and arrange a routine for you seems like she has a done a good job at softening Cindy's muscly arms.

    try to get as much out this learning experience as possible.

    Has anyone christened the "naughty sissy" closet yet?


  2. How did the housewarming party go Katie? Did you get to wear a sexy dress?
